Wow...horrible week last week. I finally just got fed up with
Zachs teacher when he came upset one afternoon because she told him if his handwriting
didn't improve she was
going to make him write in cursive again....DUH. His handwriting will probably always stink and that is one of the things we
already discussed with her. Any way, long story short...i went to the principal who was
already concerned about the situation and she moved him to another class. Friday i got a call from the bad teacher..she was flat NASTY. I ended up hanging up on her...and again calling the principal to tell her some of the horribly
un-PC things she was spewing. about other teachers, Jeff and
I parenting and many other rotten things. Most of you that know me well enough know that I
don't take things like that lightly. Needless to say, she will most likely NOT be working in this school district next year. She picked the wrong mama bear to try and Bully (like she does her students!)