Monday, September 29, 2008


Just wasnt like that! This weekend Jeff and I and the kids went to Topeka for an ARMY sponsored marriage retreat....all expenses was fantastic. Jeff and I have been married 11 years now, and when he signed up to go we both felt a little bad because there are so many more that could definitly use it more than us...We ARE happy. Not just for pretend, but for real! It was a good time for reflection, to remember the hard times that got us here today...because there were definitly some very unhappy couples there, with serious issues that seeped from their just being there, sadly all they had to do was be there for me to see the pain and troubles they have in their marriage. It made me sad, that everyone cant have what *I* have, what Jeff and I have. But it also made me grateful, for our trials and for the knowledge that we have that we will be together for eternity...I love him with every fiber of my being, and i am excited to be with him for that long!
It was an awesome weekend, it was good to just get away and spend time together. The Chaplain that did the seminar was awesome, the Childcare provided was great, the kids had so much fun! They took them miniature golfing, swimming and to the movies. They did tons of fun crafts and of course played lots of vidoe games. I sure Love my little family!


the Queen of Harts said...

Jared and I were just talking about how much we love being around you and Jeff. We love your family and are so thankful for the example you set for us. I agree, it is such a blessing to be happily married! :)

Chell said...

What a great post. How wonderful that you were able to go on that retreat and see how fortunate you are.