Thursday, January 1, 2009

Alleahs surgery....Before....

on her way to surgery....In her very own wagon that she probably doesnt remember because she was so loopy from the drugs they gave her to "calm her"


trying to keep her entertained and "happy"...worked for about....30 seconds.

Alli has had strep throat about 6 times this year...poor kid, she is on antibiotics every other month. So we finally got her in to see a pediatric Ear, nose and throat specialist at Childrens Mercy hospital in Kansas City...SHe was fantastic. The minute she looked in Alli's throat she said "Yeah....those really need to come out. they are huge!"...she was healthy when we took her in. Her tonsils are so big when she DOESNT have strep that they almost touched so you can imagine what they looked like sick!

1 comment:

Marie said...

Okay that little bed is awesome! I am sure she didn't care. I am glad things went so well and now she can hopefully sty healthy!